Top 10k strings from Crash - Issue 97 - Powertape 10 - Poke Zone (1992)(Crash).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   3 Infinite lives
   1 aFor This Poke
   1 aFor The Menu
   1 aFor A Reset
   1 The life counters scrambled
   1 THE TURTLES     
   1 Start The Tape
   1 S To Stop .. SPACE To Poke
   1 Poke Zone!H
   1 PAPERBOY 2      
   1 Lives,timer,coins,energy
   1 Infy zzzzzzz simulator
   1 Infy dizzy simlator
   1 Greetings hows ya doing. Well hi to all those new users if there are any or are shops not selling speccy's anymore?.. I know Amstrad stopped making Speccys a while ago. Happy 10th birthday to it for December anyway. Did you know that Amstrad satellite recievers have bits of Spectrum inside them,just thought I would pass that on. The good old Z80 chip still has lots of uses,just look at a SEGA Game Gear or Nintendo Game Boy. Myself I also have a Megadrive but it just seems to lack that certain something that you find in a Spectrum. Sonic the hedgehog is brilliant but when youve finished it for the tenth time it soon loses it appeal. The price of the cartridges leaves a big whole in your pocket also. Lots of hire centres are popping up all over the place and I think this is the kind of support a machine needs. But hiring software is treading a thin line,but prices force it to be that way humppphhh!!.. I will leave you with this puzzling thought, On a Sunday you carnt by alcohol (lager etc at certain times). B
   1 GREMLINS 2      
   1 Bombs lives bullets a plenty
   1 ?AC=A>@@\bBBB